雨后的故事姐弟版 - 雨滴里的秘密与兄妹间的温暖
"你知道吗,小华?" 小芳说着,她眼中闪烁着好奇的光芒, "每一次大雨过后都会有一个秘密被揭开。"
"哦?是什么秘密?" 小华问道,他的小手紧紧握住他的玩具车。
"嗯,这个我就不告诉你了,但是我猜想可能是某个地方隐藏了宝藏吧!我们可以去寻找它!" 小芳兴奋地拉起了他走向外面的街道。
那天晚些时候,当夜幕降临时,raindrops on the roof sounded like a lullaby. The children were all tucked into bed, but their minds were still buzzing with excitement.
The next day, they set out to explore the town and search for hidden treasures. They visited Mrs. Wang's garden where she grew beautiful flowers after the rain; they saw Mr. Li's pond where fish swam happily in the clear water; and they even found a small bird nest high up in a tree.
Each place had its own story, just like what Old Yang said. The children learned that sometimes it takes courage to explore unknown places and that friendship can help you through difficult times.
As the sun began to set once again, they returned home tired but happy. They knew that there would be more stories waiting for them after each rainstorm.
And so, every time it rained, little sister Xiao Fang and brother Xiao Hua would go on an adventure together, searching for secrets hidden beneath the raindrops of their small town – their own version of 'Rain After Stories' sister-brother edition.